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 Curriculum Aims

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which was revised in 2021 in order to allow nursery providers to develop a more unique curriculum  based on  the current needs of the children attending.

For a more in depth guide to the Prime and Specific areas of learning outlined in the EYFS, please click this link. 

The Covid 19 pandemic provided families and children with a very unique set of circumstances including restrictions of movement, limited social interactions, challenging home life circumstances, family illness, stress, to mention but a few. With this in mind, we are mindful that for the three years after the end of the pandemic, every child starting nursery will have been affected by these circumstances in one way or another.  Removal of usual activities like attending playgroups and socially interacting, trips to  the park or the beach, visiting extended family etc, all potentially played a part in taking away an integral part of every child’s important first years. Our curriculum aim is to make up for lost time in the best way we can by helping children to learn how to self regulate emotions, considering at all times the direct detrimental impact the Covid pandemic had on family life. Children will be given the opportunity to express their feelings and learn how to cope calmly with surfacing emotions in order to become more prepared for school life ahead. Through calming techniques which include meditation, deep breathing, Yoga time, visual timetables, our aim is that gradually children will be given the tools needed to cope with any type of frustrating or stressful situation and overcome challenges in a positive way moving forwards in life.  In order to meet the individual needs of every child, our curriculum and planning will have a very child centred/ initiated approach to learning. Through carefully well planned, stimulating and challenging activities, with a strong emphasis on freedom through outdoor play and learning, our aim is that children will once again be allowed to enjoy the wonder of life and thrive.  Access to our playground daily,  regular trips to green spaces, local beaches and many interesting locations  will provide every child with the  life experiences that they possibly have missed out on due to Covid 19, building on their Cultural Capital.

Our Curriculum is flexible and through the seven areas of learning outlined within the EYFS  we will provide your child with play and learning opportunities with personal interests in mind. As they progress we will continue to allow them to learn through new, exciting, multi sensory activities which set achievable challenges in order to teach children how to get the job done. Another way of describing this is development of Executive functioning skills.

Most importantly, your child will have fun. Our commitment to you is that your child will love coming to nursery and will leave for school with many happy memories. We will work with parents every step of the way to give your child the best possible start in life. 

